Camping is different these days. No more rushing about trying to set the tent up in the pouring rain. No more huddling under soaking fabric walls wondering whether they will leak and where.
Here's the new look. I'm getting so decadent, it occurred to me I could plug in an electric blanket should it get chilly... How quickly one adapts to new realities! I will, of course, be facing Nature in her rough 'n raw state once the paddling begins, but the road to the put-in has taken on more civilized surroundings.
How many does that little contraption sleep anyway? I may need something along those lines soon :-)
is that one of those teardrop-camper things I've been hearing so much about? They sound pretty nice!
Hey, how about a photo-tour?
Hi Bonnie
It's similar to the tear-drop, but not exactly.
It is very cool. Much less expensive to use than an RV.
He posted details in an earlier post.
Ya, Bonnie, Stevie's right. You sound over worked and under klogged!
Gary - sleeps 2 in comfort, 3 in trouble and 4 in a pile... LOL
Very overworked & yep, the revolving door here at the Really Big Children's Publisher revolved again today. We're now officially half-staffed.
You sure know how to tempt another kayaker to move straight in with you, Michael! Looking goooood!!!
Looks good to me...
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