When out paddling on an over-nighter, finding that perfect campsite is all important and often leads to extending one's paddle further than expected. Once the site has been chosen then it's a matter of setting up your accommodations and getting some good prepared.
One modification I've been using recently is the 'bivi-sac' seen in the photo above. It stores nicely up in the bow of the kayak even with my sleeping bag and air-mattress inside. Setting up is a simple matter of pulling it out and rolling it out. A few puffs of air in the mattress and I'm ready to start cooking. Quick and easy!
If it looks like rain overnight I set a light rain fly over the entrance using my paddles if no trees are handy. So far I've stayed warm and dry. In fact, with so little inside space to warm up, I've found the bivi warmer than my tent, especially as we get into the cooler fall weather!
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Michael, do you have room in your kayak for both the bivi and a tent? Its a great idea for situations where there's very little level ground but I just wouldn't be able to take both.
Tony :-)
Tony, it's usually a matter of one or the other for me, especially if I'm out for longer than over-night. Too much space is needed for food, clothing and other gear. I suppose if you get yourself one of those big, high volume boats or paddle with a 'room-mate'in their own kayak then you could have both options!
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