Sunday, June 29, 2008

Stories of Northern Leaders Series

Much has changed in recent years in the Canadian Arctic. This is especially the case surrounding the creation of Nunavut, the new territory which was carved out of part of the former Northwest Territories. Several Inuit were responsible for this happening and gradually the series of books called 'Life Stories of Northern leaders' is bringing their biographies to light. The latest to appear is on Peter Ittinuar. Here is part of the press release regarding the book's launch...

La biographie de Peter Ittinuar intitulée "Teach an Eskimo how to Read..." est enfin publiée. C'est le quatrième volume de la série "life Stories of Northern Leaders" et il est disponible auprès de Lise Fortin ( Fortin G ) au coût minime de 25$. La couverture attachée à ce message vous donner plus de détails sur le contenu du livre.

Les histoires de vie d'Abe Okpik et de John Amagoalik ont déjà été publiées dans la collection, celle de Paul Quassa et James Arvaluk devraient sortir sous peu).

If your French is a bit shakey, then it's interesting to note that this title is the fourth in the series following biographies of Abe Okpik and John Amagoalik. Two more are in the works on Paul Quassa and James Arvaluk and will be out soon. All can be obtained from Lise.Fortin@CIERA.ULAVAL.CA at Cdn$25 each. If you're at all interested in the development of Nunavut and its 'Fathers of Confederation', these people are ones to read about. They changed their world!

1 comment:

Brian said...

Hi there,

I check your blogg regularly, mainly for the northern connection. Thought you may like to check out two kayakers who left Nain today for Makkovik [Labrador], see my post here