Most of us will probably not get the chance to visit Greenland and even fewer will be paddling traditional qajait along it's magnificent fjords. A pity. In an ideal world, we ought to all be setting time and money aside to make the pilgrimage to our holy site and give due homage.
All is not lost however. A new internet site has been created for us non-pilgrims! It's called Ilulissat Icefjord. There's a lot to see and do on the site including a fly-over video. Have a look! You'll probably be even more interested after your virtual visit in saving up for your real trip. Why not drop down to the Ilulissat Qajaq club while you're there?
Merci Ckayaker de nous faire découvrir de si beau endroits et paysages.
Ce serait féériques de pagayer dans ces beaux fjords !
Gaétan de Vaudreuil
Gaétan - c'est toujours mon plaisir!
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