Claire! This is the sudden first birth-ling from a plant we've had for many years in the house and several times nearly pitched into the compost as it tried us sorely with it's bug problems and other various ailments over time. Who would have guessed it would so miraculously produce such a delight! Alas, like all it's kind, the flower lasted only a day before it withered, but there's promise of siblings to come. Pity the most delightful things in life can be so fleeting. Why can't we make the good times last?
Hi! Thanks for the comment on my blog, which of course led me to yours--NICE! Enjoyed reading about your adventures. And about that woman with the boots--anything going on there? Also--this recent post looks like it includes a picture of a hibiscus--a flower I am most familiar with here in Florida. Don't worry that the bloom didn't last--there will be more. Take it inside when it gets cold and it might last you through the winter!
Love your boat picture--nice craft!
No the lady with the boots is a phantom of the internet. I've no idea who she is, but she's not well dressed for kayaking!
As for the hibiscus, it has moved back and forth for years in and out of our house and only now has it suddenly begun blooming, first this flower, and since then, its had several others, each lasting a day.
oh my goodness, do you mean me? or is my hope of internet blooming flowers fading in the eyes of some other Claire?
its a lovely flower, yes a hibiscus I think as Peggy says. it should have many flowers all lasting just a short time. it won't grow in my garden as its too windy but two I gave to other folks have done really really well in their shelterd corners. I was just wondering about the bar you were paddling past right next to the water, or is it somebody's balcony? what a great way to go for a drink. . .paddle up and order, drink, socialise and paddle away. I am meant to be going on a camping trip next weekend to Tayvallich and Loch Sween but am awaiting confirmation from the trip organiser.
p.s Peggy and Michael, how to dress for kayaking?
and sorry , that was me making a mistake and deleting a post there.
Yes , it's for you. You paddler from Claire's garden!
I usually wear Reed's Chillcheater clothing to paddle in. I ordered it all from England and love the stuff. Of course in the summer I paddle naked because of the heat... LOL (as if!)
my hibiscus blooms and fades just as rapidly here in Puerto Rico. fleeting beauty for sure. enjoy
Michael, thankyou! Reeds is very popular here too, I usually wear a 'gnome' outfit under a set of waterproof trousers and cagoul, looks lovely I'm sure! rarely I will wear a wetsuit but only if its a practice rescue etc. deliberatley getting wet session.
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