Following the Fundy coastline as much as we could during my recent trip to Prince Edward Island, brought us to the interesting village of Alma. Fog prevented us from looking out on the bay, but seeing the fishing boats lying in the mud beside the wharves gave us an idea of how great the tidal range is in this area. Kayak campers, beware where you tent! You might find yourself adrift in the night. We were also surprised to come across a vineyard on this foggy coast. Mmmmm.... foggy wine?

The next day, closer to Moncton, New Brunswick, we took a look at famous Hopewell Rocks while the Fundy tide was out. Descending several sets of stairs down the cliffs, one can walk around the sea floor admiring the stacks and tunnels below the cliffs. Imagine being trapped down there by the tide as it rushes in!

I kept taking pictures of the reddish-brown coloured coloured water as the waves rode up the rocky beach. I'd hate to land a boat in this area as the hazards are completely hidden in the oddly delicious looking water. Needless to say, I had to have chocolate milk with my lunch! I can't imagine where that idea came from...
perils of the tides indeed!
the fog looks familiar though. . . .
Our kayak club has ridden that tide on two occasions, not a pretty site. One of our guys was wearing nylon pants, and found out the hard way that the fabric weave was just right for draining water but sieving mud. When he finally staggered ashore after getting dumped from his boat, he looked like Dudley Do-Right with his bulging pockets.
The trip has since been "excised" from the club calendar, and I have been threatened with bodily harm if I try to re-instate it.
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