I am enjoying my second spring now that I'm back home in Québec. The trees are starting to leaf out, every brook and creek is gushing with melt water and the roads are a mess. The paved roads are cracked and broken, more suitable for off-road vehicles and the dirt roads, well, most of them look like the one in the photo above. Covered in frost heaves and mud holes. You just have to love it here!
I haven't bothered taking the kayak down to the lake yet. The road to the shore is washed out. The other put-in, the one I used all fall, is reachable, but the high water is right up to the bridge and I don't feel like portaging over it to get on the lake.
So, like I said, you just got to love living here. Every season gives us ample material to complain about, and laugh about. Oh, and did I mention the gas prices yet? $1.35 a liter and rising about as fast as the water. Like, I said, you... well, you are probably catching on by now...