I'm on the verge of beginning my paddling adventures for 2009. I've been paddling for several weeks now locally, but it will soon be time to hit the road to paddle more exotic waters.
Part of my preparing this year's trips has been to add a solar panel to my mini-trailer. I've purchased a 50 watt panel which will help to extend the amount of time I can be 'off the grid' as they say. At the moment it is a portable unit, but I am thinking of permanently mounting it on the trailer's roof. I was afraid that the roof rack's shading effect would reduce the number of amps the panel would produce, but testing in sunny weather this week has demonstrated the reduction is negligible.
I've recently learned that should air-travelers each loose 10 pounds, the airlines would save 350 million gallons of fuel in the United States alone. These figures are for 1991, so the savings would be even greater today. This astounding fact has led me to another project which is to reduce the amount of 'stuff' I'll be lugging around as I travel. "Traveling light" is my motto this summer!