As much as I have enjoyed the skiing this winter - compared with last winter when we had almost no snow, it's been incredible - it's time to face it, I've been dumped on by enough snow! I spent most of last weekend pulling snow drifts off the house roof. The snow is almost too deep to go skiing or showshoeing. I think it's time to get a paddle in my hands and put some liquid water below me. I need to get back into my kayak! I need to hear the gurgle of water along a hull. I need to head south!
Last year about this time, I discovered that the west coast of Florida provides some interesting kayaking possibilities with abundant wildlife, mangrove tunnels, open coastal areas and so on. During the month or so I was to there, I only scratched the surface. There's much more to explore.

So, I'll be spending the beginning of this week sorting through my seemingly endless piles of kayaking stuff figuring out what I ought to take south. One of my objectives will be photography. I will take a telephoto lens to better capture wildlife and I also have a new waterproof video mini-lens for my video camera. I hope to get some on-the-water- action shots so I can post some footage of what it's actually like paddling in various places in Florida.
I am becoming more and more aware of the impact we voyaging kayakers have creating a negative environmental impact on our planet when we travel. It's something which has to concern each of us. With that in mind, I intend to buy some carbon offsets to compensate for my travel to and from Florida. I'll be using this CO/2 calculator to see what my cost will be and will then send off the money on my return. Fortunately my car gets excellent mileage so it won't set me back that much, but I believe it's important to know travel does include an environmental cost each time we set out. Why not think about doing something similar when you head out on your next trip?
have nice holidays! no melting!!
You did see that it was in the 20's last night in Tampa. I sure hope it warms up for both of us.
I'll be packing my long-johns... LOL
What else to take? oh some poor sod in Newfoundland. Meanwhile, I'm working on legislation for compulsory hibernation :)
Thanks for the CO2 link - i've been thinking about true costs of travel for some years. Alison
May want to look up Jim Sernovitz while there. He knows the area and has presented at Canoecopia in Madison, Wisconsin (80 miles from here). I believe I have his contact info around here somewhere.
Warm up the place for us, Michael! Looking forward to seeing the shots when you return.
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