One of the interesting places I have been to this summer was Campabello Island which is a good stone's throw off of the easternmost tip of the state of Maine. The south end of the island is linked to Maine via a bridge. All other ways to and from the island require the use of a toll ferry boat. Property on the island once belonged to President Roosevelt who house can be toured by those inclined to that sort of thing. Odd, he felt the need to escape to Canada, but then again, maybe not so odd. Depends on your point of view, I guess.
This beach is located at one of these ferry crossings. There is no dock, no visible signs that a ferry even visits the beach except that the little road leading down to it mysteriously ends at the water's edge. When the ferry does arrive, it edges into the beach gravel and plunks down a metal ramp so that vehicles can offload and load. Very simple. Must be a hoot in the wintertime!
To the left of the dirt road lies this beach. Perhaps it was the light, the day, the company, I'm not sure, but I fell in love with this beach. I want it. Badly. Sadly, it's already owned and not backed up by much other than a smelling slough, still... It would be nice to have the beach. I might be able to do something about the slough, like turn it into a salt march or something...
The Local Band Concert
On another topic, my daily paddle took me into the local village for the weekly Sunday band concert. This tradition of music and popcorn by the lake has been going on since my childhood thanks to a wealthy benefactor many years back. Spread out on the lawn sit hundreds of people drawn by the site, the cheerful music and the adjacent lake. I was one of only two kayaks there today. Often there are several canoes as well, but today it was motor boats that predominated, perhaps due to the breezy conditions. I got to show the lady in the other kayak how to side scull with her paddle to keep her boat more or less in position. Such fun being a teacher again! The power of knowledge being transmitted to the uninitiated. I had to head home early and lie down until my testosterone levels returned to something below my personal 'Lantis" level...
What a coincidence - i was just reading a book abour FDR. Campobello was where he was struck down with polio.
Tillerman - and it was a shame as he was an avid sailor and outdoors man. His home was a wedding present and is worth visiting.
Loved reading these recent posts--we used to live in New Brunswick so Campobello and the Bay of Fundy are familiar places! I wasn't paddling way back then...too bad!
Nice pictures, too!
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