Like to go RVing, but, like me, you've no money to do it with? Here's a possible answer, the Go-Camp trailor. I've never seen one of these mini-campers, but if standing headroom isn't a necessity, this might be the answer. I assume one can eat, sleep and so on in one of these things, at least when the outside weather turns completely foul. Personally, I'm looking for something a bit larger...
Two years back my family got caught in a good storm while camping in the Gaspe. That little camper would've come in handy one particular night. By morning everything and everyone was soaked from the ferocity of the storm.
it looks fab, like a ready made tent, but really if your going to go to all the expense then a towing caravan would be better. I can imagine it woud suit the 'gadjet' buyers who like a talking point.
Here you have my comment in the form of a post: http://cristobalblock.blogspot.com/2007/06/con-la-casa-cuestas-32.html
Enjoy it!!
¡Holá Cristóbal! I saw that RV on your blog! It's perfect. I wish someone would send me one...
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