"... to the lonely sea and the sky." So said John Masefield in his poem Sea-Fever and he's so to the point.
I leave tomorrow for Nova Scotia, "for the call of the running tide..." to lead "the vagrant gypsy life".
"And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume and the sea-gulls crying".
Surely that's not asking too much of the sea?
Have a good trip and keep in touch. Enjoy Stanfest, and have an eye out for the Gladwins...see email re nfld trip.
Have a good trip Michael. And I know its pedandic of me, but I believe Masefield wrote it as "I must down to the seas again" not go down.
Well Michael if you hit Stanfest say hello to my family. Of course I'm from Canso, Nova Scotia. Heading there in August. My son will be there though maybe serendipity may allow you to meet. Anyways my family will be all around you no doubt. Great fun!
I will, of course, require a full report since the VOR and I are headed in that direction this fall.
you have a good time!! your new boat is very pretty, oooohhhh!!! very nice!!
Safe paddling.
Don't forget your noodles to protect that beautiful hull. Happy paddling! Kx
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