It's been fun going though all my old slides and pictures. I gather it's been interesting as well for the many people who've dropped in for a look. I've enjoyed reading your comments. It's time to get out another box from the basement and see what goodies it might contain. And didn't my brother call me over the holidays telling me I have another box or two at his place? I'm drowning in history!
It's time to start organizing and burning these onto CD's. My intention is to send them to the library in Igloolik where they may provide some interest for both those who lived these days with me and for younger people who just missed the chance to live that life. It's noteworthy that some people are returning to the land to live at least in the summer for a few weeks. Their children and their friends are getting a glimpse, like I did, of camp life.
So enjoy the snowhouse. I see your kamiik are already hanging up to air. I'll resume the series shortly...
that's a fabulous picture. I always find photographs of the 'olden days' quite fascinating. even better to have the stories to go with it, when are you bringing a book out then?
nice to see the horses getting their humans out for some exercise.
LOL Claire! Our horses are so good to (for?) us! Nice having caring friends...
Michael, I am really enjoying this series of posts. I had never seen a photo of the inside of a snowhouse wall before. Thank you.
Another wonderful image, Michael. Please do continue to share your "stash" of photos and you knowledge with us. ...and, thanks for the comment this morning. You are a true educator.
Apparently you've enjoyed reading some comments. Mine have disappeared yet again?!
Anon - The deletions are nothing personal. I will delete any inappropriate or rude comments whenever I feel they don't add anything useful to this blog. On the other hand, I welcome comments which pertain to the topic and aren't intended to hurt or slander others. As I mentioned previously, if someone has a personal remark or criticism to make, the place to do it is via email or using MSN Messenger. I will gladly respond as best I can.
Is this end of the first volume? If so I've enjoyed it and look forward to the next.
Grazie - I have some other items keeping me busy for awhile, but I'll keep the photo essay going when I get the chance. Thanks for your comment!
Well, it just so happens that I am the school librarian in Igloolik!
If I can help with that endeavour, do let me know.
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