Those who have been following along with me for a while now know I have an interest in making my own versions of the This Is The Sea videos. Until now the only source for suitable waterproof video recording equipment that I've found has been from England. That system, the one used by Justine Curgenven, uses the PAL video format, which is not compatible with most North American systems and has prevented me from making much progress beyond using my Pentax digital still camera. The Pentax works well, but it isn't a dedicated video camera and lacks the image quality that I'd like to have.
Now there is an alternative: Viosport! This company sells a variety of lens systems, including one that is 'waterproof', making it well suited to our sport of kayaking. You can buy the lens and assorted cables to attach to a recording device - a video camera etc - or you can purchase a complete system package. All sounds very slick to me. I'll be looking into this in more detail over the next little while as I want to be able to simultaneously film and paddle next summer and record my up-coming adventures. Ya, I'm looking over some maps as well!
Never knew you were a techie guy. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
'the complete package' looks like it might be a bit difficult to attach to your kayak, are you sure its waterproof? a carboard box? they are having you on. . .
LOL... Claire, as usual it's what's inside that counts! Just like people...
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