Obviously when one is kayak camping in a park setting, one expects now and then to discover stuff left behind by previous occupants. Still, this forgotten item makes one wonder. A pair of small child's shoes. Not just forgotten, but carefully placed beside the fire-pit. What could it all mean? There's perhaps a story here. A mystery story...
Were they placed there by a parent and then in the rush to leave, they were forgotten? Maybe, but how many pairs of shoes would a parent bring? More than one? Not likely, meaning the child was barefoot on departure. Did no one notice? Didn't the child say anything, especially back at the take-out, which wasn't that far away, but required a 500 meter hike to the car? Seems odd to me when a short paddle could have retrieved the shoes.
In any event, we 'fixed' the mystery by taking the shoes along with us. They'll be shipped with some similar items to an organization in Cuba that provides second-hand clothing to wealthy tourists or whoever else needs them.
Reminds you of the famous Hemingway six-word novel...
"For sale, baby shoes. Never used."
Exactly. Perhaps I could submit the photo as the book's cover...
El niño no andaba aun y se lo olvidaron sus papás?.
Saludos desde España:
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