Yesterday morning I made the rounds through the different blogs listed on the sidebar to the right of this post. I often do this, starting with Bonnie's Frogma blog and going all the way to the bottom with Simon's blog. We're all so different, yet we share much as well, especially our obvious love of being out on the water and our interest in sharing what we discover and learn while we're out there or thinking about going out.
While most of the recent postings have been upbeat and fun to read, there is also an underlying thread of gloom running in many of them as well. Most of this is probably weather related. Either it is deplorable and unfriendly to paddlers or it is unseasonable and hints at nasty things going on which tells us Gaia is not amused with her children. Or maybe it's just seasonal. Maybe these dark gloomy days have us deprived of sunlight and joy, of that uplifting feeling we get when heading out to the put-in is a pleasure, the launch a rush and the paddle just the medicine we needed to release all our worries and concerns. It is well known that people living in high latitudes suffer the effects of low light and 'cabin fever', so maybe that's what is behind these postings. I'm sure it's a temporary thing.
When I looked down at the frozen water droplets on my sleeve yesterday morning, I was thinking about these posts, each one like a frozen thought waiting for a day filled with sunshine and hope, joy and happiness to change it's state. A few minutes ago, I noticed some other 'droplets' in my 'Comments' section. Obviously a person signing on as 'Anonymous' is unhappy with me. That's okay. I'm not perfect. I know I make mistakes and this time it appears I'm rubbing someone the wrong way. There are easy and private ways to solve these problems as well so that some sunshine can lighten a space made dark by my blundering. Hopefully this person will work towards solving their difficulty with me in a private, mature fashion.
It is certain that brighter days are coming to us northerners. I held a Beltane Fire to be sure of it during the Holidays, just before the annual, end-of-year Consumer Fest carried me away!
You read my mind
Silbs... be careful what you think about! LOL
Y'know, part of why I started blogging was to keep myself from getting embroiled in the late-winter flame wars that used to break out on my local kayak list serve, or even just deluging list member's emails with my possibly unwanted meanderings. Figured blogging was a better alternative - that way I'm not actually inflicting my verbosity on people who really wish I'd just s.t.f.u. already! :D
Sometimes cabin fever's not a pretty sight! Hopefully this person is looking for a solution not a flame war...
Well, good luck with that person, whoever they are.
I have been feeling quite gloomy, a day out kayaking would be just the thing to lift it, still too windy for me though. bah humbug. . .
I think you're right. Winter can be a bit depressing. I used to be a downhill ski fanatic, but with global warming the local ski resorts are without snow. Being an outdoor person I'm much happier when I'm outside in the fresh air and sunshine. When that isn't possible I try to keep busy doing all the projects around the house that never get done in the summer ... because I'm out kayaking. And my friend Dave is building me a kayak! Just thinking having a new kayak to paddle in the spring brings a smile to my face.
Sorry to hear about the bad comment poster. I had the same problem a while back. Now I screen everything.
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