The lake is now almost completely frozen over. I am astounded how quickly the change has occurred. No doubt the cold temperatures during the past week have done their nasty work. So I'll hang up my paddle for a while and ski - nothing wrong with that, as conditions recently have been perfect and I love to ski.

I received some good news to look forward to however, as one must ever remain optimistic - right? The news is that David Miskell over in Burlington, Vermont on Lake Champlain has released the date of Vermont Madness 2007! The wonderful Greenland event grows ever more interesting and pleasurable each year as more and more people bring their boats and join in the sharing. Saturday, April 14 is the rolling competition, followed with the group paddle on the Sunday. The pictures above were taken last year. The top photo was a wonderful first attempt at paddling upside down, and the lower one was taken at lunch during the day paddle on Sunday... before the fun really started (ya had to be there...)!
The lower picture was distributed by a participant last year. I'm sorry I don't know the photographer's name.
Why do I think the water is pretty cold there in April?
Dick - Two years ago we had to break up the skim ice around the docks before we were able to hold the competition. Everyone agreed it gave the event a very authentic 'Greenlandic' feel!
Brrrr. TQ and I were breaking skim ice as we set out for a paddle in Connecticut on Sunday. Somehow I managed to stay right-side up!
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