It will be a year this Friday since I began to write a blog called 'Canadian Ckayaker'. Actually the name changed a few times after that beginning, but the name 'ckayaker' was always a part of it. When Hotmail was a separate company before it's purchase by Microsoft, I opened my first email account. 'Seakayaker' had already been taken as a login name, so I chose 'ckayaker' as a second choice. It's been a lucky word for me as it's turned out. I've since discovered several other 'ckayakers' out there, some who paddle, and one who seems to be foremost an RV'er. I know at least one 'ckayaker' lucky enough to have car plates sporting that word, a neat idea not available where I live - boo-hoo! This same person actually began a blog at the same time as I did using the word 'ckayaker' in the heading, but never developed it. Makes one wonder whatever happened there...
My blogging experience has been a good one. I've enjoyed greatly the various comments people have sent in. And I especially was happy getting to meet some of you on my various journeys here and there. I look forward to seeing where the new year will take me and who I will meet once I get there! You're a great bunch, but, of course, you're kayakers!
woohoo! happy bloggiversary!
happy blogversary!
More negativity. Go see a shrink. You need help!
Always putting others down in your sly way, eh!
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