Friday, November 28, 2008

Chignecto Lessons

Watching This Is The Sea - 4, Justine's latest DVD about kayaking in various parts of the world, an amateur videographer like myself can learn a variety of things which make a video more interesting and exciting to watch. Take note, for example, of the way she mixes her images, going back and forth to the kayak, to the shore, from one boat to another, and to a narrator, often herself. These clips are mixed in a way to increase the appeal of the story and provide the viewer with a variety of perspectives all of which add up to that "I was there" feeling.

Compare her work with my video of paddling Cape Chignecto's Three Sisters formation. I simply filmed as I paddled through the area. It does give an idea of what it's like to be there, but it's all very one-dimensional and flat. There's little feeling of actually being excited to be there.

One of the things I could do would be to get on shore and film from another view-point. This would add to the 'feeling' and give the viewer that additional perspective which is lacking in my video. I found a great guide which would help anyone wanting to see the Sisters from onshore. It's the Cape Chignecto guidebook written by David Hamilton. Once again, doing some pre-trip research helps to make the paddling trip - and the video record - so much more satisfactory!


Tony said...

I agree with you on the mixing of images except for the expedition in
the Queen Charlotte Islands. That was just a bit too much back and forth for me. I need a bit of time to ingest one scene before it goes to something else. Overall This ITS 4 is good though.

Tony :-)

Anonymous said...

Judging by your interests, I hope you have had the opportunity to check out the The Big Wild. It’s a place where you can share your Canadian wilderness videos and adventures. Check it out!