What I bet you don't know is that Barry is much more famous. For example, towns around the world are rushing to change their names to include Barry somewhere, somehow... The above shows one such example, a town in Ontario. I expect to see New Barry or Ft LauderBarry, perhaps even LondonBarry and so on quite soon. And why not?
I've yet to visit a Justineville or Justine Bay, but maybe they're out there, waiting for me... and Barry. OK, Justine too.
Hi Michael thanks for inviting me to your blogs great photos information and stories
Hi Michael thanks for inviting me to your blogs great photos information and stories
You may have to have your tongue surgically removed from your cheek :)
Marie - you're welcome!
Silbs - they're holding me down and doing the surgery now, a bit roughly if you ask me. I thought they were friends...
Hey, you haven't been in Canarsie anytime in the last few weeks, have you?
ps and to get back to the relative fame of Barry & Justine - here's another case in point -
That big ol' divers' bit of heaven down under - it's not the Great Justinier Reef, now is it?
Bonnie - nope. I checked and it's still the Great Barry's Reef...
And there you have it.
And in Newfoundland, there's Adeytown - they spelled it wrong, of course - it's Adie, not Adey...
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