Go through your list of kayaking friends and many of them will tell you about their passion for the sport and it's action. Many are photograpers as well as paddlers. Most will be happy to get out their photos for you to see what they're talking about. So it should be! Kayaking is a sport with plenty of action with many passionate paddlers who are enthusiatic photographers.
Passion and action can be had in other genres as well. The photo above of my favourite flamenco guitarist, Moraito Chico, is one of a series of 42 photos taken during 2007 and posted in a slideshow on the Flamenco World site. It's a place I often go to to worship. If you are a photographer seeking to put some action and passion into your paddling pictures, check out this slideshow. I'll refund your money if you don't agree they're incredible!
Dear Michael
Thanks a lot for your comment, i have just received a google alert regarding "Flamenco world" and it has been quite a surprise. A comment from somebody who really enjoys my work, makes me happier than any prize from any institution. You made my day.
Congratulations for your blog.
The cyber world narrows that wee bit more... love it.
Kristen - it narrowed so much it squeezed off the name of the anonymous person's name! Perhaps it was from Daniel Muñoz, the slideshow's photographer... That would be nice!
That's who I assumed it was.
Dear friends
Sorry, I forgot to sign, yes, it is a comment from the photographer, Daniel.
Daniel Munoz, Photographer (at www.danielmpantiga.com you can find more pics, not only flamenco and music)
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