Last evening I was in Montreal to once again attend a presentation by Soirées Aventures, a group which puts on a film or slide show for fellow adventurers. The bias is decidedly on the side of kayaking and last night was no exception.
Nathalie Dyke gave a slide-show presentation of her recent trip to the northeastern coast of Sardinia. I was blown away with her photos! What a wonderful place to explore by kayak. It had gorgeous sandy beaches, white cliffs dotted with green pines, caves and grottos, goats clinging to rocky ledges high about an azure sea. All with water that looked to die for, warm and so swimmable!
If you've been wondering where to paddle next, put Sardinia on your list. I understand there are a number of outfitters now in place on the island to get your dream underway. They're just a google-click away...
Photo by Nathalie Dyke. Used with permission.
Here are some more photos from Sardinia
My own:
Francesco from Cardedu:
Madelisa who likes walks in the mountains
Hi Michael!
Sardinia is "hot" today. I just come home from Peter's presentation ( http://www.grobbee.nl/ ) about his kayak-trip along the North- and East- coast of Sardinia (and the southern tip of Corsica). It must be a fantastic place to kayak indeed.
Peter organizes another trip to Sardinia in October, so...
Sardinia's beautiful. I got to spend some time there when I was in college, my dad was stationed there for a couple of years. We did a little sailing & motorboating there. I think the water was cleared than anywhere else I've ever been. That's including growing up in Hawaii.
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