If you've been following this blog recently, then you might recognize there is a missing dock in this picture! We've had so much rain that the lake has risen close to two feet above the previous picture I put up showing my boat on the dock. Now I can paddle right over it saving valuable time.
This hasn't been the only effect of the rain. I put off my trip to the Gaspé partly because our driveway washed out and required my road rebuilding skills. Unrelated, but still water oriented, our sink drain plugged up solid forcing me into a day and a half of plumbing. I was finally forced to actually cut out the blocked pipe and install new plastic pipe. Now that's what I call stuck! Lovely job, working in the drain business...

I took a chance of drowning and went out for a paddle this afternoon where I spent the time dodging rain showers. This final picture is my favourite boat house. I like it's closeness to the water, it's conveniently submerged dock and the pewter blue colour of the trim. I'm thinking of stealing it one night and dragging it to a certain 'Lot 23' on Manitoulin Island someday. It'll be perfect for my needs up there!

On second thought, with all this rain, I wonder if 'Lot 23' even exists anymore. Maybe I'd better go for a paddle up there and check...
water water everywhere!
good for paddling, love the boathouse, think I might move in!
your visitors from far and wide on your map are so interesting, wish they would all leavea comment to say who they are?
Me too!
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