Life is a web of relationships, some strong, some weak, some good, some bad, some we cherish, some we'd love to forget, but they're there whether we like it or not. As Tennyson's poem "Ulysses" in the sidebar so profoundly says, (We are) a part of all that (we) have met.
Last week my cousin had a motorcycle accident, crashing into a car that suddenly pulled out in front of him. He was lucky. A broken leg and some 'road-rash' will keep him in the hospital for a few more days, but the web of relationships that surround him has quickly become apparent. He's a dentist, with patients, and an office staff. He's a father of three children scattered across the country and a husband. He has numerous friends. Slowly arrangements are being made for other people to take over his responsibilities and life (and work) will continue, but an accident like this brings the web into focus like nothing else. Suddenly one realises how connected we are to the web of others I mentioned above. Suddenly all sorts of people find they need to adjust to our accident, often in unforseen ways.
Next time I head out to challenge the wind and the waves, perhaps I'd be wise to think of the web of responsibilities I trail in my wake...
Heavy thoughts. We are, I'm thinking, a selfish lot as we go about our paddling unawares of what effects an accident could have on those around us. Then, too, the same thing could happen on a drive to the post office. Paddle safe...
So true! We like to think the drive to the post office is necessary while paddling is recreational and therefore not necessary - or is it?
A bit eerie to post my Saturday blog, Michael, and then to read yours. Be careful, and good luck to your cousin.
If this is the cousin we've met, please pass along our best wishes, and tell him we're mighty glad it wasn't worse! Tell him it might be best to stick to the big RVs :->))
Regards to you both, and take care out there.
Rick - Yes, same guy. He's out of the hospital tomorrow, but won't be back to work for another month to six weeks. I'll pass along your comment regarding the RV!
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