We've had a string of July weather days recently and I've been outside working of the re-skinning of the SOF boat. In the picture on the left, I've already stretched the material about 10 cms from end to end and sewn little pockets to hook it over the end posts. Next I've marked the material's center line and stapled it to the keel stringer. This prevents it from slipping to either side as I tighten it in the next step. Here, I've flipped the boat up-right and begun to cut away the excess canvas.

There are a number of methods to get the skin tight, but I like using the traditional one seen here which is commonly used by the Inuit. Here you can see the zig-zag tightening cord which holds the fabric once I've given it a pull. Going back and forth pulling from either side eventually gives one a nice tight skin. Ya gotta love it!
I ought to finish this tomorrow and start sewing the long seam down the decks. Then it's installing the cockpit coaming, slapping on some paint and the decklines and go paddling!
jeepers Michael is there anything you can't do. By and by I thorougly enjoyed the guitar riff.
it looks tricky. hope your fingers are surviving.
Birthing a boat. A satisfying thing to do, in deed. I look forward to seeing it when you've completed the work.
Very satisfying. Nice work, Michael.
My grandfather would have loved a skin that size for his qajaq!
Leah - asu!
Leah - Ataatasiavut, qajaliorlerkpa taipsumani tavani Iglulimi?
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