Children have a special way of getting their parents - and other people as well - into doing the most incredible things. Yesterday morning my daughter wanted to bicycle to university. To do this meant getting up earlier than usual, and getting a lift to within an hour's ride to school. I was appointed 'driver'. Up we got at some ungodly hour and off we went to the dropoff point. A hug goodbye and off she went, leaving me out of the house, on the side of the road, miles from my warm bed, with nothing to do.

Or was I? Of course not! I drove over to the boathouse and was on the lake by 7:30 am. What a scene presented itself! The lake was still boiling off, the 'steam' caught in the glowing heat of the rising sun. The scat of over-nighting ducks and gulls drifted here and there, bubbles and downy feathers sailing down wind. I headed to town thinking that a shoreside coffee would be the final touch although I doubted anything could improve the morning. That meant paddling down stream a bit, passing under these two bridges. Beautiful! Incredible! Thanks, Erica!
The moral of the story (or one of them) is, "never take the boat off the roof".
It's hard for daughters to raise Dads :)
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