Another seemingly nasty day. Cold, with some wind and sleet in the air. To brighten things up a bit, I headed to the south end of my lake, the end I seldom visit. I had forgotten how convenient the put-in is at that end. Easy parking and a very short carry brings one onto a sandy little beach.

I headed southward towards the camp-ground at the end of the lake, but before I got there, I discovered this little stream rushing into the lake. It was swollen with melting snow and I was able to paddle some distance up it before being blocked by shallows and fallen trees. It was another stream that liked to produce mini foam-bergs!
I took a wide turn along the shore, past the camp-ground and the new condo building, then turned north and paddled along the eastern shore past the fancy hotel located there. I accidently scared a snow goose out from under some evergreen trees, or perhaps I ought to say it scared me, flying right over my bow! I nearly got 'goosed'!

Crossing back to the western shore I went up the other little creek that enters on that side. I was able to get farther up than I ever remember going before thanks to the additional water. A big fat beaver let me get right up to him before he decided to slap his tail and submerge. He has quite a good pile of branches stacked up for the coming winter.
Well worth the outing! I'll head back there again to see how things have changed before I finish this year.
89/100; temp: 2°C; overcast; sleet
I like the phrase "another seemingly nasty day", Michael. ...which can turn out to be anything but when exploring in a boat.
nice to see different views, nice to get out and get some fresh air whatever the weather.
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