You know how it is. You begin a new relationship, everything is so wonderful and you just know it will last forever. How could it not? Well, as you can tell from the photo above, things can go bad. Suddenly. Sadly. Emotionally.
My Blundstone 500's, my wonderful Australian boots I've owned and worn through thick and thin for over 10 years, have come down with serious sole problems. Deep down in the sole's soul kind of problems. I noticed it walking in the wet grass in Palmer Rapids a few weeks ago, but like most males I tried to ignore it. A more detailed examination once I got home reveal the problem was more serious than I thought.
I've emailed the company hoping something can be done. I've yet to hear back, but I fear there will be another little marker out next to poor Razzy who passed away a few years ago. Oh I hope this isn't the end... Life was so good in those boots!
I must say however, that I did like the looks of some of the new 500's on the Australian Boot site. And they sell Icebreaker clothing too. Everything the northern kayaker needs to keep going through the ice-fields! And did you know that Eric Shiller's partner Tony Brown worn his Blundstones on their Australian circumnavigation attempt? There's no better endorsement!
Update! They're toast! Gone. Finished. No more. They can't be re-soled. It's over...
you can get old blunstones resoled and the side elastic replaced, at least in Aus.
helpfully, T.
Oh to live in Australia...!
That happened to all my Blundstones too. Next time maybe I'll try Rossi boots.
Stick with the classic 500s. I wear them year-round, work and play, except for the hottest days of the year and trudging through serious snow (I'm in NY). The soles do go, but 10 years is a good innings. Mine last about 5. I usually have two pairs on the go, one newer and one pretty beat up. I'd say they're well worth the replacement price of $125/pair. For me, that equates to $25/year, plus $10/year for flip-flops (a new $20 pair every 2 years), and $5/year for snow boots (a new $100 pair every 20 years). That's $40/year for all footwear. Without the Blunnies, I don't think this would be possible, given the climate extremes where I live.
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