Making my way across Newfoundland to meet up with some paddling friends, I chanced to stop at Springdale's local campground. Lo and behold the fly-fishing season for salmon was well underway. I am not a fisher in any sense of the word, but I do admire the skill of those who fly fish.

There were a couple dozen people on the river, both men and women, young and old. Watching from the high river bank, it was like a ballet or sorts, with fishers moving here and there, their lines darting in and out of the river. It all seemed carefully orchestrated in some way, especially when a salmon struck and the fisher gradually worked it to shore.

The river is highly regulated. Permits to fish are required and a variety of tags are needed to take fish. Hooks are un-barbed and gear is carefully examined to see it meets certain requirements. Most people - including the 83 year old gentleman I met - are local people from Newfoundland, but a few people from out of province had purchased the right to enjoy the fishing. It was easy to see why.
1 comment:
So you're on the rock! Be sure to post a message on our newsgroup or leave a message on my blog or Stan's when you're in the St. John's area and we'll accompany you on a paddle, or anything else we can help you out with.
Tony :-)
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