Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Cruelest Month...

The picture above was taken a few days ago. The ice edge in Lake Massawippi, my home paddling spot, is slowly retreating up the lake as it should. In past years the ice cover has departed between the 12th - the earliest in my records - and the 28th - the latest record I have. Given the winter we've had, my guess is the breakup will again be around the 20th, normal for the lake.

Of course, I will be able to get out before that date. Already the put-in is ice free and the river flowing out of the lake is as well. There is a small ice-free 'pond' growing just above the bridge up to the ice edge seen in the picture. It's a great place to paddle on a weekend when you can show-off your fancy Greenland style rolls for the folks walking the pier and the lake-side walkways. That's not for me, however. I'm too shy for that kind of stuff!

Today, as fate would have it, there's a brand new 20 cms of snow sitting in the yard, an over-night gift of the Great White North. Great for snow men, not so much fun for driving anywhere. I'm a patient man, especially when it's also 5°C outside and warming.


bonnie said...

Somebody said it was snowing here today. I don't know if it's true. I can't see outside from my cubicle, and when I went to a window I didn't see any snow.

c'mon, SPRING!

Michael said...

Bonnie, well wait a few minutes and you'll probably get a blizzard or a scorhing hot day! April's like that. Like the best and worst of lovers! LOL

bonnie said...

Well, wasn't quite a blizzard but I eventually saw the snow with my own eyes.

Douglas Wilcox said...

We have been so lucky over here, tomorrow I hope we will complete the third part of the Rhinns of Galloway in SW Scotland. It will be an exposed 30km paddle with only a couple of landing places and 4knot tides. To even think of going there three weekends on the trot in March April is quite amazing.

Hope some heat reaches you soon. :o)

Kristen said...

Hang in there, Michael!

Silbs said...

Your not in Florida anymore, TOTO :)