Funny how things ebb and flow. In 2005, I was all set to paddle down the Lower North Shore, the interesting coastline of Québec which faces Newfoundland. I actually left on the trip only to see it come to an abrupt halt in Sept Isles, one day before we launched. We'd set aside five weeks for the trip, more than it takes, but giving us plenty of time to do some exploring and hiking along the way should we wish. In a flash, I had five weeks with nowhere to go and a bucket full of questions about what had happened.
Since then I've had no bites from others interested in making the trip with me. I was beginning to wonder if I really was going to have to make the trip solo, not my first choice, but if that's the only way to go, I'd consider it.
Suddenly two people have expressed interest. Both have one or two others who might also be interested. I'm beginning to think the coast might get crowded if a few of us don't go soon! As I begin to see this year's paddling season come to a close, I'm excited to think I might get to do a trip I'd had to cancel. There's always something special about grabbing hold of something that has slipped one's grasp on the first try!
Monday, October 15th is Blog Action Day. It's a day set aside for bloggers who wish to post something about the Earth's fragile environment. If you're reading this and you have a blog, join us in posting an environmental posting.
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